June 1, 2009 Post-Meeting List

Called to order at 6:30 p.m.; adjourned at 9:44 p.m.


  To approve the street closure request for Blue Hills Road, per the motion sheet, in a vote of 4 in favor, 1 absent (Weiss)

  To approve the letter of support for the Open Space and Recreation Plan, in a vote of 4 in favor, 1 absent (Weiss)

  Unanimously to approve the three Special Liquor Licenses for events at UMass and Hampshire College, and for the Taste of Amherst, per the motion sheet; also to approve the Special Liquor License for the 6/8 UMass event, per the motion provided

  Unanimously to approve the following Select Board meeting dates:  Wednesday, July 8; Monday, July 27; Monday, August 10, Monday August 24 and Monday, August 31 (and agreed that the necessity of the 8/31 date would be reconsidered later in the summer)

Agreed, without votes:

  To notify the Chamber of requests for event-related street closures and parking restrictions

  To ask the Town Commercial Relations Committee to consider the issue of how requests for event-related street closures and parking restrictions affect downtown businesses, and to make a recommendation to the Select Board regarding how such requests might be handled

  To clarify the parking and street closure information sought by the Chamber for the Taste of Amherst event, and to approve the request at the next meeting

  To meet every Monday in June (and to do so at Town Hall on Mondays when Town Meeting is not in session,)  and to determine the necessity of meeting before each Town Meting session as those meetings progress

  That the proposed summer work topics noted in Stephanie's 5/29 "Summer Meetings and Agendas" memo will be listed on agendas as reminders and to prompt status updates; those topics are FY09 Town Manager evaluation process and FY10 goal setting; consideration of a Select Board handbook; issues and details related to committees; a process for establishing SB priorities related to capital spending and CPA funds; exploration of options for aligning with other Western Mass. committees to advocate to the State legislature on regional concerns; a possible role for the Select Board in a revised personnel grievance procedure

  That Diana will highlight key concepts in the draft minutes and that we will attach Stephanie's post-meeting list to each meeting's minutes

  To make some changes to the packet process: to observe a firm 9:00 a.m. Friday deadline for submitting packet materials, and to either pick up the packets at Town Hall or to receive them by mail  (Stephanie will notify the board about pick-up availability details)

  To be mindful about requests to have items prepared for our desks,  per staff time (Stephanie will monitor how this is going with staff in the office and let the Select Board know if changes are needed,) and per expectations of what the SB will do with the materials - i.e, if we are just receiving them, or if we have enough information to act on them that night, etc.

  That Diana will consider incorporating suggested concepts into a revised draft of the committee appointment policy, including:  that reappointment decisions take into account committee needs; and a one vs. two committee policy and possible parameters for second appointments


  That Larry send out an e-mail to all staff, asking if anyone knows the locations of the Select Board parade banner and the original "Tree City USA" plaque

Items to be added to the 6/8 agenda:

  Approval of parking and street closure request for the Taste of Amherst

  Approval of the 4/27 minutes (which will incorporate an edit and highlighted key concepts, and will have the 4/27 post-meeting list attached)

  Consideration of proposed ZBA charge changes

  Taking positions on remaining warrant articles

Items to be added to a future agenda, not necessarily the next one:

  Information about archiving and accessing Select Board materials

Materials to be brought back to the next meeting:

  The collection of budget update materials John provided in our packets

  The ZBA charge info that was on our desks

Issues not resulting in actions, and other topics considered:

  Diana announced an upcoming joint meeting between the Planning Board and the Public Shade Tree Committee regarding planned road work on Sand Hill Road; and announced an upcoming author talk at the Unitarian Meetinghouse

  Public Comment:  Nick Seamon expressed concern about the Select Board's handling of street closure and parking restriction requests

  Dave Ziomek gave an update on the final steps necessary for completing the submission of the Open Space and Recreation Plan to the State, and the expectation to know about its acceptance in time for its inclusion in grant applications due July 15th

  Town Manager's Report -- Larry reported on:

  the Memorial Day parade and ceremony

  a budget presentation he made to the Amherst Club and his willingness to speak to any group on that subject

  ongoing meetings about the budget with employees

  the status of the Police and Fire Chief search committees (the application period for internal candidates has closed; applications will be reviewed, interviews will take place, and applicants will be asked to solve a strategic problem)

  the completion of the Kendrick Park Committee's work, their recent wrap-up picnic, and plans to present their report to the Select Board after Town Meeting

  the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission's public hearing on rail service (and noted that a small data sample collected so far by the Town on Amherst train station users splits about 60% - people 18-25, and 40% - 55 and over); and a planned meeting with PVPC Director Tim Brennan to discuss increasing Amherst's involvement in PVPC's work on all subjects

  the Governor's community budget forum hosted by Secretary Greg Bialecki

  events marking  the retirement of Lorna Peterson from Five Colleges Inc, and the departure of Esther Terry from UMass for a position at another school

  the Health Department's screening and discussion of "Unnatural Causes"

  being interviewed about the budget and human services funding on WMUA's program, Focus

  attending the Fort River Festival

  John Musante provided an update on the current State budget situation  and on the Finance Committee's recommendations for Town Meeting on budgets and reserve use; he recommended continued advocacy with State legislators to support local option taxes and to oppose making municipal health care plan changes subject to binding arbitration

  Larry restated the swimming pool situation: that this summer, War Memorial Pool will not open, the Mill River swimming and wading pools will be open, that Groff Park wading pool will be open; and that in FY10, Town use of the Middle School swimming pool will not be funded

  Alisa had no new status to report on the Town's Annual Report

  Alisa gave an update on the work of the committee studying K-12 school regionalization, and the committee's goal of having information available for the FY11 budget discussions; she reported on the recent discussion at AIC in Springfield on the subject, and noted the value of having the Hadley Superintendent be the new President of the Massachusetts Superintendents Association

  Gerry gave an update on the work of the Police Chief Search Committee, praised its members and its process, and expressed confidence that the group would offer an informed and thoughtful recommendation

  Alisa gave an update on the Hadley parade:  that the order in which we will be located in the parade is set, but whether participating SB members walk or ride is our option (info about the location/existence of a Select Board parade banner is being sought; determination of how we will participate may be announced at the next meeting)

  It was reaffirmed that the Select Board would like to see a compromise from the Parade Committee that would allow Town vehicle use in the Fourth of July parade



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