June 8, 2009 Post-Meeting List
Called to order - 6:30 p.m.; adjourned: 10:44 p.m.
• Unanimously to approve the revisions to Section 2.3 of the Appointed Committee Handbook, as amended
• Unanimously to approve the revisions to Section 2.6 of the Appointed Committee Handbook, as amended
• Unanimously to approve the April 27th minutes
• Unanimously to approve the May 4th minutes as amended
• Unanimously to approve the May Select Board Report as amended
• Unanimously to approve the street closing and parking request for the Big Bothers/Big Sisters Artisan Craft Fair, per the motion sheet, with the changes: at the end of the first bullet point, changing "7:00 p.m." to "9:00 a.m.," and adding "except for five meters which shall remain bagged from Spring Street south on Boltwood Avenue until 7:00 p.m."
• Unanimously to approve the street closing and parking request for the Taste of Amherst, per the motion sheet
• Unanimously to approve the Special Liquor License for Atkins Cruise Night, per the motion sheet
• Unanimously to approve the Special Liquor License for a UMass event, per the additional motion sheet
• Unanimously to appoint Vince O'Connor to the Nyeri Sister City Committee; Rob Kusner to the "Save Our Stop" Task Force (both effective immediately) and Mark Parent to ZBA as an Associate Member and Hilda Greenbaum to ZBA as a full member (both effective July 1) as per the motion sheet, amended to include the these start dates
• Unanimously to reappoint starting July 1: Ellen Kosmer to CPAC; Laurie Nisoff to Amherst Cultural Council; Thomas Simpson as a Full member of ZBA, filling the unexpired term of Jane Ashby; Barbara Ford, as a Full member of ZBA; Thomas Ehrgood as an Associate member of ZBA; Albert Woodhull as an Associate member of ZBA, per the motion sheet, with the addition of the 7/1 start date
Warrant Articles:
• Stephanie gave an introductory statement about budget process and collaborative efforts that brought us to this point
Article 22:Operating Budget
Library: Library Trustees and Library Director spoke in favor of their
larger requested appropriation, explaining the risks of potential
decertification, loss of State funds, loss of access to Federal funds, and
inability for patrons to request inter-library loans; also explained that their
budget cuts came from reducing new material purchases by 30%. Finance
Committee members explained the process of applying to the State for a waiver
to maintain certification, preventing the loss of access to funds and
inter-library loans; also explained the desire for parity of reductions across
the different budget areas
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend the lower appropriation, (the Fin Com's recommendation) for Article 22 - Library Services, per the motion sheet
Schools: Elementary and Regional Schools are in agreement with the Fin Com recommendations; there was discussion re: three of four towns needing to approve the Regional budget, and how Amherst can't be compelled to pay the higher amount approved by Leverett and Shutesbury because the Regional School Committee has subsequently voted a lower budget, which is now the determining factor
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Elementary Schools budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Regional Schools budget and appropriation, per the motion sheet
Municipal budget areas: Considered whether SB should have input on where final $275K of personnel reductions should come from; majority sense was no, as the cuts do not represent changes in services provided by the Town (though they certainly affect delivery of those services and functioning of those departments); there was considerable discussion to clarify numbers and answer questions
• VOTED: 4 in favor, 1 opposed (Weiss) to recommend Article 22 - Public Safety budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: 4 in favor, 1 abstention (Weiss) to recommend Article 22 - Public Works budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: 4 in favor, 1 abstention (Weiss) to recommend Article 22 - Planning, Conservation and Inspections budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: 4 in favor, 1 opposed (Weiss) to recommend Article 22 - Community Services budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: 4 in favor, 1 abstention (Weiss) to recommend Article 22 - General Government budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - General Fund Indebtedness, per the additional motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Water Fund budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Sewer Fund budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Solid Waste Fund budget, per the motion sheet
• VOTED: Unanimously to recommend Article 22 - Transportation Fund budget, per the motion sheet
Article 13 - Gas Tax petition: Gerry and Diana said they supported it; Alisa said she had expected to oppose it, but would support it because of the details it includes; Aaron said he would support it if the language is tweaked a bit; Stephanie said she wouldn't support it because she doesn't feel her personal opinions on broad taxation policies qualify her to offer an opinion in her official capacity
• VOTED: 3 in favor (Weiss, Stein, Brewer); 1 opposed (O'Keeffe); 1 abstention (Hayden) to recommend Article 13
Article 14 -- FY09 Budget Amendments: VOTED Unanimously to
recommend Part D and to recommend dismissal of Part E
Article 26 -- Capital Program -
Equipment: VOTED Unanimously to recommend
Article 27 -- Capital Program -
Buildings & Facilities: VOTED Unanimously to recommend
Article 29 -- Free Cash: VOTED
Unanimously to recommend Free Cash in the amount of $1,200,000
Article 30 -- Stabilization:
VOTED Unanimously to defer a recommendation
Agreed, without votes:
• None
• For Town Counsel to advise on whether the small corrections to the ZBA charge can be made by the Select Board or requires Town Meeting action
ยท That the Chamber be notified of the street closings and parking restrictions for the Taste and Big Brother/Big Sister event
Items to be added to the 6/15 agenda:
• Town Manager's Report (postponed due to late hour)
• Member Reports (postponed due to late hour)
Items to be added to a future agenda,
not necessarily the next one:
• Consider ZBA Charge alteration/correction, pending advice of Town Counsel
Materials to be brought back to the next
• Possibly the ZBA charge info, pending advice from Town Counsel
Items not resulting in actions, and
other topics considered:
• Diana announced a community celebration picnic
sponsored by the Human Rights Commission to be held from noon to 4:00 p.m. on
Sunday, June 14th at
• Larry announced that the SEIU said it is willing to seriously consider zero COLA for FY10
• Stephanie reported that she had reached out to the Fourth of July Parade Committee Chair to see if progress might be made on the Select Board's desire for a compromise regarding parade participation that would allow use of Town equipment. She and Alisa were invited to attend the Parade Committee's meeting, and had a productive and clarifying discussion. She said an update or announcement about a mutually-acceptable resolution could happen soon.
Yeah, let's freakin hope.
(depends of course on how you define "mutually-acceptable resolution")
Great job Stephanie! Let's hope that the last few people who we need to except the clarifcation will do so soon and this can all be put behind us.
Well the Town Manager was not at the meeting, so I'm sure the "clarification" will fall on deaf ears.
Thank you Stephanie and Alisa for engaging in this issue. Good going. I hope you've identified a solution that works, is consistent and sustainable.
Ms O'Keeffe, First, Thank you. Second, I have some questions. Please feel free to respond at your own pace or not at all. You've clearly done extraordinary work already and I would not want to add to it.
-Is the agreement available for review so that we can examine it and know what is expected of those who want to march?
-I don't understand the word "hopes". Were the concessions agreeable to those who pressed for them or not (unclear in paragraph five below)?
-I don't understand the paragraph that starts "O'Keeffe said it might not be fair to hold the private parade to a higher standard..." Does the author mean to imply that the League wanted more concessions that it didn't get as a result of the other anniversary parade's less accommodating standard? Why are there two standards?
Did anyone catch the interesting moment in Town Meeting last night when we realized that we couldn't hold an override vote this fall even if we wanted to? Or even if we needed to?
The nonsense surrounding the scheduling of last fall's special SB election, and the precedent that flap apparently sets going forward, begins to nibble us in the backside.
What goes around comes around: Folks with a CORE,however, don't worry about that.
Hey Tom G,
Sorry, did not mean to get in the way of your common sense questions to Princess Stephanie about the July 4'th Parade (but I gotta keep the Grumpy Prosecutor happy).
Since I actually attended that meeting and posted it a long, long time ago I share your concerns (sure as Hell, no "agreement" was signed that night.)
The document is here. It is a summary of what I believed the Parade Committee's positions to be. They agreed that it was, and based on this, the SB voted its unanimous support for official participation in the parade.
I think your other questions can be answered by watching the discussion from Wednesday's meeting, which is available here and begins at about 53:45. (Drag the status bar in your video player to jump to different parts in the meeting; check the time indicator to move to a specific point.)
Sorry I don't have time to go into more detail. (Busy, busy -- and I'm two meeting lists behind!) It has been an excellent dialogue with the Parade Committee, and I am very happy with this result.
Looking forward to a great parade!
The best thing about this is the Select Board, finally recognized what a polarizing figure Larry Shaffer is and went around him to reach an amicable solution.
Ms O'Keeffe,
Thank you for your comment. It, along with the document and the video answer all my questions.
You and Ms Brewer have done a fine job finding a path that respects the parade committee's prerogative and protest advocates desire to participate. That's great. Now it is incumbent upon the parties to follow through in a manner of mutual respect so the final outcome is satisfactory this year and onward.
Perhaps more importantly, Amherst government cannot fairly be characterized as galvanizing bulkheads of opposing interests but rather as committed to adroitly finding a path forward ... that's on you and Ms Brewer. You rock.
I think I'd dispute your assessment: "finally realized". You can deride the parties but that seems like a counterproductive exercise now that a way forward has been identified. The town manager was the government official working on resolving the conflict until O'Keeffe and Brewer became engaged.
I think my assessment is accurate. This had dragged on for 10 months and came down to the last two weeks. When some new people stepped in who were willing to listen and work towards the solution it became clear that the situation could be settled amicably. So I think finally rezlized is a very accurate assessment.