Select Board packet for January 12th

Contents of the packet received Friday, January 9th for the Monday, January 12th meeting:

The on-line version of the packet is evolving.  Instead of being one big PDF, it is divided into separate PDFs per agenda item.  (Note: not all agenda items have related documents.)  Click here for this week's packet contents.

  The agenda

  The motion sheet

  Information related to a new taxi business license application and a new taxi driver's license application

  A memo from the Town Manager to the Select Board describing Amherst's emergency management preparations

  A memo from the Town Manager to the Lieutenant Governor, summarizing the Town's list of projects submitted for possible Federal stimulus money, with a list of project descriptions

  A memo from the Town Manager to the Select Board, written as a response to his recent performance evaluation   

  A memo from me to the Select Board with an attached list of draft goals for the Town Manager for FY09, and a list of collected management ideas submitted by Select Board members

  Lists of meeting times for the committees to which each SB member is a liaison

  Information about the proposals that will be voted on at the Massachusetts Municipal Association's Annual Meeting in Boston, January 24th

  A packet of information with the formal motion language the Select Board will vote on regarding the dog decision, and a complete (I think!) collection of supporting documents from this case, including (last page) an e-mail from the dog owner saying that she has decided to surrender the dog to a good home out of Amherst.

A bunch of mail:

  The Planning Board meeting agenda for January 7th

  The Conservation Commission meeting agenda for January 14th

  A postcard from the Town Counsel's law firm, about its booth and planned activities for the MMA meeting

  A letter and DVD from WMECO regarding work safety around electric lines (this was clearly meant for DPW, not the SB, even though it was addressed to the SB Chair, so I'll be passing it along.)

  A letter from Mass Highway, sent to the SB Chair, but to the attention of the DPW Superintendent (I'll be passing this one along too) regarding new price adjustment requirements for work covered under the State's transportation bond bill

  The January issue of the MMA's newsletter, The Beacon

  A copy of the letter sent to the Planning Board, and cc'ing the SB,  from the Chamber, urging expeditious acceptance of the Master Plan (this was n my packet last week; I returned it to the SB office so that it could be copied for all the SB members.)

  A letter and attached report from Northeast Utilities to the Springfield office of the Department of Environmental Protection (and cc'ing the SB Chair) regarding the status and remedial monitoring of the former Amherst Manufactured Gas Plant site on Pelham Road


Hungry for News said:

Please share your thoughts on the municipal budget! I have read about it in the Bulletin but was unable to find the meeting on ACTV Wednesday night. I miss your candid thoughts. Please post!

Larry Kelley said:

After today's announcement of a 9.7% cut in state aid for the budget year we are now in and 30% for next year's budget, she's hiding under her desk.

Neil said:


Bloglines, my newsreader has not picked up a new post on your feed,
since "Select Board packet for December 15th"

The comment feed
picked this up "Hungry for News comments on "Select Board packet for January 12th" 21 hours ago.

The problem could be at bloglines, dunno.

Stephanie O'Keeffe said:

Sorry for the long delay in posting stuff. Sometimes I get so consumed by all the stuff I HAVE TO do with this "job," that I run out of time -- or inclination -- to do the stuff I WANT TO do with it -- like stay current on this site.

I'm at the Mass. Municipal Assoc. annual meeting and conference in Boston. I'll try to post after I get home Sunday. Didn't bring my laptop -- thank goodness for web access on my phone.

The Governor's message yesterday was bleak, but with some bright points. The next few weeks and months will require tough decisions. But we knew that. Stay tuned.

Gotta go. Another meeting is starting. Check for a new post Sunday night.

Jonathan said:

Neil -

I handle the technical side of Stephanie's sites, and I checked the feed after seeing your comment. It looks to me like the feed is working properly. Clicking on the link you posted ( shows posts up through the January 12th packet, which is her most recent post. I access the same feed through Google Reader and it looks OK there. It does look like it might be a Bloglines issue. Post back if you continue to have problems.

Neil said:

Jonathan, Yes. the problem must be at Bloglines. Thank you.

Neil said:

Jonathan, I switched from free Bloglines to Free Google Reader. I get all the feeds now including this one. Thanks. PS conversion is a snap with export/import via xml (feedslist.opml)



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