May 6, 2009 Post-Meeting List

Called to order at 6:31; adjourned at 7:23


  Unanimously to nominate Gerry as the Select Board's representative to Kanegasaki, Japan in October; he will think about it and let us know on Monday

Agreed, without votes:

  To meet at 6:00 p.m. on 5/11, to allow enough time to discuss taking positions on the Town budget and a proposal for use of reserves, among other matters

  That there should be one letter sent to people with expiring committee terms, expressing that reappointments are not automatic and terms are not limited; asking people to indicate their desire for or against reappointment (instead of one letter to likely reappointees, and another to those unlikely to be reappointed); that Aaron would offer his suggestions to Diana and Alisa for the next draft

  That some sense of a policy on committee reappointments (if a first-termer would be get preference for a second term, and a new applicant would get preference over a second-termer seeking a third-term, and what criteria might preclude reappointment) is needed very soon; this is difficult to separate from the Committee Appointment Handbook, which we had agreed would be dealt with after Town Meeting, but Diana and Alisa will attempt a draft policy

  That committee reappointment issues (letter, policy status, appointments) be a recurring agenda item over the next few weeks, due to the time-sensitivity of this subject

  That the Select Board would consider over the summer if and how it wants to have a larger role in identifying priorities for Community Preservation Act funds, and to coordinate the discussion with the other relevant bodies; and that the issue would not be pursued for the FY10 proposals



Items to be added to the 5/11 agenda:

  Committee reappointment letter

Items to be added to a future agenda, not necessarily the next one:

  Discussion of the Select Board role in identifying and advocating for potential Community Preservation Act funding priorities (summer)

Materials to be brought back to the next meeting:


Issues not resulting in actions:

  Larry informed us about an ambulance accident that occurred earlier in the day, resulting in damage to the vehicle but no injuries to people

  Larry announced a May 19th Community Forum to be held in Amherst, and moderated by Secretary Greg Bialecki of the Governor's administration, to discuss issues and ideas related to State revenues and their impact on local aid; additional time and location details to be announced



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